Tech Talk: Understanding the Terms of Technology


Do you ever feel like you can’t understand or decipher the latest tech talk and the terms of technology amongst your kids, grandkids or friends? After reading this “Tech Talk” guide, you’ll rapidly be on your way to using the most recent tech jargon.

Understanding Modern-Day Terms of Technology

These are the most common terms of technology in use today.
  • 404 – This was originally the tech term for a website that popped up as “Not Found 404.” Today, this term translates into implying that someone is useless or clueless.
  • Anime – This is a type of Japanese animation that is artistic and sensual. Many of these are available online and are rapidly gaining popularity in the U.S.
  • Back Button – The back button is at the top of the web browser and brings you back to the previous page.
  • Bandwidth – This is used to describe internet frequency and the amount of information that flows through channels. It is measured in cycles per second, also known as hertz. The higher the frequency, the greater the bandwidth and the faster you’ll be able to transfer data. 
  • Cached Out – This play on words in the tech community means tired or “wiped out.”
  • Cookies – Unlike the bakery definition, the tech term for cookies means a small piece of information about you. Usually, when a web server discovers information about you, it embeds a small file, known as a cookie, to your PC. These are then stored as text files, and when you return to the website, it accesses them.
  • Dead-Tree Version – This means a hard printed document instead of an electronic version.
  • Defrag – Defrag is a program that “cleans up” your computer’s hard drive, which makes it run smoother. Some people use this term when referring to rest and relaxation, or R&R. For example, “I’m tired today and need to defrag.”
  • Down Time – This term refers to a broken machine and how much production time its operator loses when someone is unable to work. This also relates to a slow network.
  • Hotspot – A hotspot is a wireless internet connection in a public place. Many shopping centers and retailers add wireless hotspots to encourage customers to spend more time in their establishments.
  • Huge Pipes – This is a slang term for a high-bandwidth internet connection.
  • Interface – An interface defines the portion of a computer program that interacts with a user and the application itself. The interface is what you see on the computer’s screen. 
  • Just-In-Time (JIT) – In tech terms, this phrase refers to a compiler that turns Java bytecode into instructions that then relay directly to a processor. 
  • Meatspace – This term is slang for “real world” and In Real Life (IRL) as opposed to cyberspace.
  • Navigate – Traditionally, navigate described people navigating their way around the globe. Today, this term describes the act of someone moving around on the web, clicking on different web pages or hypertext links.
  • Opt-Out – If someone requests that they are removed from an online program, email or electronic newsletter, this is referred to as “opting out.” Note that there is a distinct difference between opting out and unsubscribing. You can only unsubscribe to something that you subscribed to, but you may opt-out of something you never joined.
  • PDFing – This describes the process of taking an online document and turning it into an Adobe PDF. A PDF is short for Portable Document File.
  • Photoshopped – This term refers to the Adobe software program, “Photoshop.” Anything that is digitally touched up or manipulated is “Photoshopped.”
  • Ping – You may read, “Ping me,” in emails or online. What this refers to is an internet program that determines that specific IP address of your device. It sends a packet of information to the address and waits for a reply. Ping is generally used to troubleshoot internet connections and test speeds.
  • Plug-and-Play – This type of add-in hardware will identify itself on demand. Most computer systems are ready out of the box, meaning that you simply plug-and-play to use them.
  • Plugged-In – Being plugged-in is slang for being connected or wired.
  • Spammin’ – If someone tries to overwhelm another person with too much information, it is “spammin’.”
  • Surf or Surfing – When someone is browsing information on the web, it is surfing the internet.
  • Thread – A chain of messages in a single subject that lets you sort emails or articles by threads.
  • Unplugged – Unplugged is slang for not being connected. This can include a laptop, Smartphone, etc., and describes something that is not wired. 

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